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A Donde Ir Con Niños


As a co-founder of A dónde ir con niñ, I played a pivotal role in shaping the platform's trajectory and ensuring its success. I led the charge in defining our product vision and charting the course for its development. Through  validation processes, we confirmed the viability of our concept.

Directing the UX research, prototyping, usability testing, and UI design, I ensured that our platform not only met but exceeded user expectations. By delving deep into user insights and iteratively refining our interface, we crafted an experience that resonated with parents seeking engaging activities for their children in Mexico City.

Moreover, I managed a talented team of developers, designers, and marketing professionals, fostering collaboration and cohesion across disciplines. Through effective leadership and strategic direction, we navigated challenges and brought our vision to life, empowering parents with a comprehensive tool to discover and book fun activities for their kids.

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Shopping cart experience

Product Design - Designing the shopping cart experience


Product Design & Creative Direction

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© 2024 by Alejandra Ward UX and UI Designer / London - Xperience Studios LTD

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